Egypt Travel Information

Time Zone

Egypt standard time is two hours ahead of GMT (Greenwich Mean Time). Egypt no longer operates Daylight Saving Time, which means that there are no changes in time throughout the year.


Egypt’s weather is moderate throughout the year with the heat peaking during the summer months only (June-August). Winters in Egypt are generally very mild with little rainfall. However, desert winters can be much colder than the rest of the country.


The main spoken language in Egypt is Arabic. However, many Egyptians speak English as well. French is also a common language, although not as common as English. Some people who work at tourist areas also speak German, Spanish, and Italian.


All nationalities require a tourist visa to visit Egypt. Tourists who hold American, European or Australian passports can obtain a visa upon arrival from the airport. Other nationalities need to check with the Egyptian Embassy for the visa issuing procedures.

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The local currency is the Egyptian Pound (L.E.). Many tourist places accept major currencies as payment as well.
The exchange rates vary from place to place and it is generally advised not to exchange large amounts at the airport because they don’t provide the best rates.


Tipping is a common practice in Egypt for all services provided. Tipping fee is usually decided by the customer and varies according to their satisfaction of the service. It is customary to tip a waiter as well even if the restaurant already charged a service fee on the bill. Nubia staff will take care of porterage tips in airports and hotels for your convenience.


Most locals will welcome you taking photos of them provided you ask their permission first. It is forbidden to take photographs of military installations, government buildings and airports, even if there is no sign that prohibits that. Doing so might result in your camera being confiscated. Some sights and museums require a fee for camera entry, other places prohibit the entry and usage of cameras. Therefore, it is advised seek information regarding the matter from a guide before you visit a particular place.


The used electrical current in Egypt is 200V. Sockets are designed to take the standard continental European dual round – pronged plug.
If you require a converter it is advised for you to purchase it at your home country before you travel, as you might have difficulty finding what you need when you arrive. Some hotels provide converters but it is generally advised to inquire during bookings.


You do not need to take any vaccines to visit Egypt. To maintain your health, it is advisable to drink only bottled water throughout your stay.
Do not eat at stalls and restaurants that seem unsanitary. Avoid sunstroke by wearing hats and drinking plenty or water. Most pharmacies sell common medication although it is advisable to bring your own incase of any shortages.

What to wear

Modest clothing that is light and airy is advisable when visiting major cities, especially in mosques and rural areas. Women are advised to wear a head cover or scarf when visiting religious sites. Clothes that cover the knees and elbows work best. You should be able to comfortably dress the way you prefer at beach resorts, hotels, poolsides and clubs. Nudity is not accepted anywhere.